The Challenge
This may be a more common occurrence than recognized. At a children’s hospital, a young patient on the autism spectrum would not lie down or sit still for an EEG procedure but would only stand for the EEG set up process. Attempts to apply individual EEG electrodes using the traditional approach proved difficult and stressful for the patient and, because of the patient’s activity, some of the electrodes would not stay on long enough to record the study.
The Solution
The EEG techs stopped using the traditional EEG electrode application process and decided to use the child-size CortiCap for this patient. Applying the CortiCap was quick and well tolerated by the child. With the CortiCap all 21 electrodes, and the ground and reference electrodes, were in the right locations and they were able to swiftly prep and apply electrolyte paste to all locations in minutes. The CortiCap kept all the electrodes in place regardless of the movement of the patient’s body and a few minutes after completing the setup, the patient calmed down and the EEG recording was completed.
There are many instances where the traditional EEG application process may be stressful for the patient, the technologist, and other caregivers. The CortiCap has been successful in reducing setup times and stress on the patient. In this case, the staff could obtain the EEG recording the patient needed despite the patient’s inability to sit long enough for the traditional electrode application procedure.