In-Home Ambulatory Video-EEG 

A Leader in In-Home Ambulatory Video-EEG 

In-Home Ambulatory EEG can be an integral part of diagnosing, classifying, and managing seizure disorders and identifying non-seizure related causes of patient-reported events (PNES, cardiac, sleep disorder, behavioral, etc.). 

Advantages of multi-day, in-home ambulatory video-EEG recordings:
  • Lower cost of service than a stay in a hospital Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU)
  • Quicker access to service, no long wait for the availability of a bed in EMU
  • In-home services eliminate the need for patient/family to travel to the hospital for testing
  • Potentially higher likelihood of capturing epileptic events in the home environment (avoid the “hospitalization anticonvulsant” effect)
  • In-Home EEG procedures are generally better tolerated than in-hospital video-EEG monitoring
  • Remote real-time monitoring of patient studies ensures quality recordings with excellent clinical yield

For More information about our In-home Ambulatory Services, contact us today!

Advantages of In-Home Ambulatory Video-EEG

Improving Patient Care and
Your Bottom Line

With technologists located in much of the US, we can provide EEG services almost anywhere. CortiCare’s team has been providing in-home video-EEG studies and routine EEG recordings to physicians, clinics, and hospitals for more than 10 years.

Ambulatory EEG services include:

  • Insurance pre-authorization and scheduling
  • Patient set-up by qualified EEG technologists: in-home or in-office
  • Full EEG montage with ECG and digital audio/video
  • Routine EEG with stimulation when requested
  • Real-time remote monitoring of patient study for quality by experienced staff with 24/7 live patient support
  • Local technologists to go onsite if needed and to collect the equipment at end of the recording
  • EEG Review and annotation
 by our R.EEG.T. staff within 3 business days of recording upload
  • EEG reading and report by our neurophysiologists, as requested
  • Study storage
 to our CortiCare Cloud Server with secure web-based physicians portal for study access and reporting

CortiCare is Accredited by the Joint Comission

CortiCare has undergone a thorough evaluation of its systems and processes to confirm we meet the rigorous performance standards of The Joint Commission. In August 2021 we received The Gold Seal of Approval – a recognized symbol of quality. To find out more about the Accreditation process go to