CortiCare’s Response and Commitment

To our customers, patients and their families:

With the increase in the number of Coronavirus cases in the US, we want to ensure you we are taking steps to protect our employees and patients. We continue to monitor closely the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes, named “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). At this time, no one knows how severe this outbreak will be. Given this uncertainty and the fact that the seasonal influenza (flu) virus is also widespread, we are taking proactive steps to limit the spread of illness, while continuing to provide the necessary medical services.

 CortiCare staff are following guidelines for:

  • Adequate and frequent handwashing
  • Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers before entering and after leaving a patient’s home or facility
  • Cavi wipes for disinfecting work surfaces & electronic devices (EEG systems, mobile phone, laptops)
  • Other personal protection such as disposable gloves and face masks when needed
  • Self-imposed work from home as a precaution for employees who have traveled in an area where COVID-19 is spreading or who have a known exposure

We are following CDC recommendations such as requiring employees to:

  • Stay at home if they are experiencing respiratory symptoms, fever, and other flu-like symptoms and contact their physician for advice on testing
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water and make use of alcohol-based sanitizers
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as telephones, keyboards, and equipment

In addition, before providing services to a patient in their home our staff will be asking if the patient or family members are having any of the symptoms such as fever, cough, or body aches or have any known exposure to persons who have tested positive for the Coronavirus.  In those cases, the ordered study may be postponed until it is confirmed that the condition related to the symptoms is resolved.

Many of our staff already are telecommuters, working from their home office locations to monitor patients remotely.  We believe that we serve a critical role in supporting the healthcare system as utilization demand may increase as the caseload for Coronavirus related illness rises.

We will continue to closely monitor the situation. Protecting the health of our employees, patients and their families, and others is our utmost priority. Together, we can limit the risk of spreading illness in the workplace and community.

 Thank you,

The CortiCare Team